How To Use Gab - a New Social Media Platform

Meet Gab: Andrew Torba's Free Speech Social Platform & Marketplace

Ever heard of Gab but don't have a glue of what it's all about? Read on to find out what Gab social is, who founded it, its year of creation, its mission, Gab App download, features of Gab and their uses as well as Gab's active users.

In this digital age, social networking platforms have become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and the wider world. If you're searching for a versatile social network and marketplace app that caters to your various needs, look no further than Gab social. With an extensive range of features and a mission to provide a free speech platform, Gab social offers a unique online experience. In this article, we will delve into the world of Gab social, exploring its origins, mission, functionality, features, rules, user base, and more.

What is Gab Social?

Gab social is a comprehensive social networking platform and marketplace that aims to provide an all-in-one solution for users seeking connections, content sharing, and online buying and selling. It offers a wide array of features designed to facilitate communication, community building, and e-commerce within a single application.

Creators and Establishment

Gab social was founded by Andrew Torba in the year 2016. Torba, a software engineer and entrepreneur, envisioned Gab social as an alternative social networking platform that prioritizes free speech and open dialogue. With a mission to champion freedom of expression, Gab social has gained attention as a platform that welcomes users of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints.

Gab Founder - Andrew Torba

Andrew Torba is the founder and CEO of Gab, a social media platform known for hosting extremist and conspiratorial content. According to Gab was established as a "free speech" alternative to mainstream platforms but quickly became associated with conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis. The platform allows hate speech, disinformation, and posts targeting marginalized groups. It has been banned from various online services due to concerns about its content. Torba himself promotes antisemitism, right-wing extremist ideologies, and conspiracy theories. He also advocates for Christian nationalism and has allied himself with extremists and far-right influencers. He has sought to insert Gab and Christian nationalism into mainstream society and politics through relationships with elected officials and candidates.

Gab Social Mission

Gab social's mission is centered around the principles of free speech, individual liberty, and privacy. The platform aims to provide a space where users can freely express their thoughts and engage in meaningful discussions without fear of censorship or suppression. By promoting open dialogue and unrestricted communication, Gab social aims to create a digital environment that encourages free expression and the exchange of ideas.

Functionality of Gab Social

Gab social offers a user-friendly interface that combines various features to enhance the social networking experience. Here's an overview of how Gab social works:

1. Login Pages: Users can choose between logging in normally or using their existing accounts from six different social communities.

2. Welcome Page: Upon launching the app, users are greeted with a welcome page where they can choose to register or log in.

3. Register Page: The registration process is simple, allowing users to create a new account effortlessly.

4. Forget Page: In case users forget their login details, Gab social provides a recovery option via email address.

5. Registration Steps: During the registration process, users can personalize their profiles by uploading avatars and discover recommended users.

6. Walkthrough Pages: Gab social offers the option to advertise the app's features and benefits through informative walkthrough pages during registration.

7. Timeline Page: Users can explore various types of posts, including text, pictures, videos, maps, and feelings, on their timeline.

8. Friends & Follow System: Similar to Facebook, Gab social allows users to connect with friends and follow other users, creating a network of connections.

9. Native Injection: Users can interact with posts natively, expressing their likes, wonders, and deleting posts directly.

10. Add Post Page: Users can create new posts in different formats, such as text, images, videos, activities, and feelings.

11. Post Privacy: Gab social provides users with control over the privacy settings of their posts, ensuring they have the desired audience.

12. Friends Page: All friends and connections are conveniently displayed on a dedicated page.

13. User Profile Page: Users can view detailed user profiles, timelines, and access information and feeds.

14. Community Page: Displaying liked pages and joined groups, the community page helps users stay engaged with their interests.

15. Search Page: Users can search for other users, pages, and groups, and add or join them based on their preferences.

16. Search Filter Page: The search results can be filtered based on avatar, status, gender, and more.

17. Profile Picture: Dynamic profile pictures can be utilized to personalize user profiles.

18. My Images Page: All posted photos with comments and likes can be viewed on this dedicated page.

19. Marketplace: Gab social features a marketplace where users can explore the latest products and contact sellers for purchases.

20. Add Product Page: Users can create listings for their own products, providing images, information, and pricing details.

21. Hashtags: Users can discover trending and related topics through hashtags shared by the Gab social community.

22. @Mentions: Similar to other platforms, users can tag individuals in their statuses or messages using @mentions.

23. Saved Posts: Users have the ability to save posts for later viewing.

24. Delete & Edit Posts: Users can manage their posts by deleting or editing them as needed.

25. Liked Pages: Users can like pages to receive their feeds and access specific action buttons.

26. Groups: Gab social offers group functionalities, enabling users to join communities of shared interests and access group feeds and information.

27. Messages System: A built-in messaging system allows users to chat and send messages to one another.

28. Pro Members Profiles: Pro members on Gab social have enhanced profiles, showcasing their membership type.

29. Notifications Page: Users can view all notifications, including events like likes, shares, and comments, in a dedicated notifications feed.

30. Push Notifications: Gab social sends push notifications to keep users informed about various activities and updates.

31. Friend Requests: Users can accept or cancel friend requests, managing their connections effectively.

32. Trending Hashtag: The platform highlights the latest trending hashtags in a dedicated section, keeping users informed about popular topics.

33. Promoted Pages: Promoted pages are showcased in a separate section, allowing users to discover new content and communities.

34. Pro Members: Pro members enjoy additional benefits and visibility, with a dedicated section highlighting their presence.

35. Pro Upgrade Page: Users have the option to upgrade their accounts to become pro members, unlocking premium features and benefits.

Gab Social Rules and Regulations

Gab social maintains a set of rules and regulations to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users. While promoting free speech, Gab social prohibits content that incites violence, harasses individuals, or violates applicable laws. The platform takes user reports seriously and takes appropriate action against any violations of the established guidelines.

Gab User Base and Reach

Since its establishment, Gab social has attracted a significant user base seeking a platform that values free speech and open expression. While precise statistics may vary, the growing community on Gab social comprises individuals from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. As the platform gains popularity, its user base continues to expand, fostering engaging discussions and connections.


Gab social is a versatile social network and marketplace app that offers an extensive range of features for users seeking an alternative platform focused on free speech and individual liberty. With its mission to create a digital environment that values open dialogue and unrestricted communication, Gab social provides a unique space where users can connect, share content, and engage in meaningful discussions. By combining social networking functionalities with e-commerce capabilities, Gab social aims to provide a comprehensive online experience. As its user base grows, Gab social continues to foster a vibrant community that celebrates diverse perspectives and ideas. Explore Gab social today and embrace a platform that champions the principles of free expression and individual privacy.


The above article is a general overview of Gab social and its features. Users are advised to visit the official Gab social website and review the platform's specific terms of use, privacy policy, and community guidelines for more detailed and up-to-date information.

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